Admiring Anna Page 2
Anna took that as her cue to stand up, completely reversing their positions and easily emphasizing the different roles they were slipping into as she loomed over the submissive. Samantha gazed up at her, tilting her head back in an effort to keep her attention on Anna’s face, and Anna had no doubt that was because Samantha was trying to read her emotions and work out how to please her.
Years spent stripping in artists’ studios had given Anna a very good understanding of what kind of clothing it was possible to slip into and out of on a whim. Her tight cream breeches weren’t going anywhere. A slight smile teased Anna’s features. Foresight was a wonderful thing.
Reaching for her fly, Anna slowly drew down the zipper. Where a normal fastening would have stopped, Anna’s kept going, separating the fabric that had covered her crotch, revealing smooth, bare flesh.
Within moments, nothing lay between her clit and Samantha’s mouth.
Anna sat down. Leaning back against the soft upholstery, she let her legs fall apart as she shrugged her shoulders and made herself completely comfortable against the cushions.
Eyes half closed, Anna trailed her fingers slowly down her cleavage and over the buttons of her closely fitted shirt. Keeping her movements slow and easy, she let out a contented little sigh as her fingertips finally left the fabric and caressed the exposed skin between her thighs. But even then, Anna’s attention remained completely focused upon the woman at her feet.
Samantha swallowed rapidly, shuffling her bare knees on the hard floorboards, apparently unable to remain still as she watched the show. She gasped as Anna’s fingers brushed against her own clit for the first time that evening.
An extra wave of pleasure sang through Anna’s veins as she saw Samantha tighten her hold on the crop in an effort to stop herself from reaching out to touch her. The frustrated whimper that escaped from the back of Samantha’s throat was music to Anna’s ears.
“That’s right. Good girl,” Anna murmured. “You just stay right there and watch.”
Anna delicately pulled back the hood that almost completely concealed her clit from prying eyes. Still studying Samantha’s reactions, she delicately caressed the little nub of nerve endings with one finger of her other hand, before dipping down and gathering a little moisture from her slit to lubricate her touch.
Her clit was already swollen and eager for attention. Feeling no embarrassment at the show she was putting on, Anna continued to softly circle it, stopping occasionally to scrape her nail very gently against the tip.
As Anna’s breathing sped up, so did her fingers. Pressing her head back against the sofa cushions, she arched her back, but her own touch was no longer enough.
With the fingers of her right hand still working her pussy, Anna slid her other hand into Samantha’s hair and tugged the girl closer.
A relief-filled moan signaled Samantha’s complete and utter willingness to join in the scene. In her enthusiasm, Samantha tried to move her head more quickly than Anna’s hand, but Anna’s quickly tightened her grip on her new lover’s hair, killing that idea in its tracks.
There would be no topping from the bottom. Samantha would never need to worry about who was in control. Anna took a deep breath. Licking her lips, she swallowed and made sure that her voice would come out calm and steady when she finally spoke.
“Don’t rush.”
Samantha glanced up at her. One lock of thick blonde hair fell forward into her eyes, but Anna didn’t have a hand free to push it away.
“Sorry.” Samantha’s voice was rough with desire, her eyes full of need. She’d never looked more stunning.
Taking her hand away from her clit, Anna ran a fingertip over the younger woman’s lips. Samantha immediately reached out toward the digit with her tongue, eager to taste Anna, even secondhand.
“That’s right,” Anna murmured, guiding Samantha’s head forward an inch or two before stopping her short again.
Collecting more of her taste from her slit, Anna once more traced Samantha’s lips with a fingertip. The girl’s eyes fell closed as she seemed to savor whatever her lover was willing to offer her.
Anna allowed Samantha even closer, until there was barely an inch of empty air between her clit and the other woman’s lips. Samantha’s breath brushed across her crotch. A shiver ran down Anna’s spine.
“Take it slow,” Anna reminded her, as she finally brought Samantha’s mouth and her pussy together.
Lips brushed tenderly against Anna’s labia, a delicate little flick of the tongue caressed her clit as the other woman took her first real taste of her. Anna tightened her grip in Samantha’s hair, not pulling her closer or pushing her away, not doing anything except reminding her exactly who was in control—anything except giving Samantha exactly what she needed in return.
Samantha murmured her pleasure. The vibrations coursed up through Anna’s body, pulling a gasp from her. Arching against the sofa, she pressed her clit more firmly against the other woman’s mouth.
Glancing down, she saw Samantha’s big blue eyes peering up at her, taking in every detail, every reaction. As Anna subsided back upon the sofa cushions, Samantha circled her clit with the pointed tip of her tongue. She’d been paying attention. It was a skillful copy of what Anna had done to please herself.
“That’s a good girl.”
Samantha’s eyes glowed at the praise. She murmured her thanks for it against Anna’s clit, repaying any pleasure she might have received from Anna’s words tenfold.
Samantha lapped and sucked gently at Anna’s labia before returning to her clit and sealing her lips around the little peak of nerve endings. Anna had said slow, and Samantha was obviously doing her very best to give her exactly what she wanted. There was no pressure behind the younger woman’s lips, no demand that she come from the gentle licks. It was so easy to believe that Samantha would stay down there the whole night and love every minute of it.
Tugging the younger woman’s head forward the tiniest fraction of an inch, Anna gave Samantha her silent permission to speed things up and take her new dominant to a higher level of bliss.
Soft lips caressed Anna’s clit once more. The lightest touch of teeth scraped against the hyper-sensitive nerve endings, precisely copying the way Anna had toyed with herself using her fingernail.
Anna threw aside any attempt to keep her reactions muted and controlled. She heard Samantha whimper against her as she tossed back her head and pushed forward her hips.
A moment later, any sound the submissive might have made would have been completely drowned out. The cry torn from Anna’s throat filled the area behind the curtain, leaving no space for anything else. The whole club must have heard it.
Anna made no attempt to cut the sound short as Samantha lapped against her pussy, drawing out Anna’s pleasure until her head swirled through sheer lack of oxygen. Anna rode the waves farther and farther, until she was out of sight of all land, floating on an ocean of bliss.
Her hand still rested on the back of Samantha’s head, holding her close, but it was too much now. There was only so much a body could take. Anna pulled at the short blonde strands, tugging the younger woman away.
The rolling tide of ecstasy gradually receded, leaving Anna collapsed in a messy, sated little heap on the shoreline. Almost too exhausted to draw a breath, she didn’t even try to open her eyes until several minutes had passed.
Chapter Three
Samantha stared up at Anna. Her hair was slightly disordered, her makeup not quite perfect. Her clothes were askew, and Samantha had never seen the model look so beautiful.
Eventually, the other woman opened her eyes. Twisting her body to one side, Anna lay down and rested her head on the arm on the sofa. A tug on Samantha’s hair invited her up onto the cushions with her.
As she did her best to follow Anna’s unspoken directions, Samantha found herself spooning in front of the slightly taller woman on the sofa.
Taking the crop from her, Anna gave Samantha her silent permission to move her a
rms and rest more comfortably. Samantha gratefully flexed her fingers, trying to convince them to straighten after spending so long maintaining their white-knuckled grip on the toy.
As Anna slid her hand over Samantha’s stomach, Samantha forgot how to think. Anna’s fingers calmly brushed past short blonde strands of hair and slid between Samantha’s legs with the complete confidence of a woman who knows she has the right to do whatever she wants with her lover.
Samantha’s whole body jerked at the first touch of Anna’s hand to her pussy. Wet and ready, she was already on the verge of coming just from being allowed to lick her lover out.
“Do you want to come, Samantha?” Anna whispered in her ear.
Samantha nodded quickly. Laying her fingers against the back of Anna’s hand, she tried to press it more firmly against her mound.
Samantha froze, even her heartbeat stalled at the reprimand.
“If we’re going to do this, then from now on, I’ll be the one who will control how and when you’ll be touched. And I’ll decide when you will and will not be allowed to come. Understand?”
The ache between Samantha’s legs only intensified as those words hit the air. She offered Anna a jerky nod.
“Speak up, darling,” Anna corrected.
“Yes, Anna.”
“Good.” Anna pressed a kiss against Samantha’s neck in apparent praise, no doubt leaving a smudge of lipstick in its wake. “From now on, you’ll need my permission to come. You’ll need my permission to play with yourself, too.”
“Yes, Anna.” Her words were broken by a gasp as Anna slightly increased the pressure with which she was drawing gentle patterns around Samantha’s clit.
“This part of you belongs to me now. You can take it back at any time—but only by telling me very clearly that that’s what you want.”
Samantha shook her head.
“The matter isn’t up for debate,” Anna told her, her tone leaving no room for argument. “You’re not going to hand over permanent ownership of any part of yourself to anyone after just one scene—not even to me.”
Samantha tried to look over her shoulder, desperate to be able to see the expression in the other woman’s eyes. Anna promptly guided her to turn over, so they lay face to face. Bringing her arm down between them, Anna kept her hand on Samantha’s crotch.
Even though her orgasm seemed far less important than ensuring the other woman’s interest in her continued, Samantha made no attempt to pull away from the touch.
“I wouldn’t be taking very good care of you if I let you get carried away and make rash decisions, would I?” Anna pointed out.
Samantha said nothing, merely tilting her head back and offering her lips to be kissed. Barely a fraction of a second later, she pulled back, not sure if she had any right to make such a request.
But, apparently, even submissives were allowed to ask to be kissed, because Anna dipped her head and willingly brought their lips together. Slipping her tongue into Samantha’s mouth, Anna slowly deepened the kiss. At the same time, she increased the speed of her ministrations to Samantha’s clit.
Samantha pressed forward; helplessly rubbing her naked body against Anna’s half-clothed form. Tension filled every fiber of Samantha’s frame, building further and further until she was sure it would be impossible for Anna to force another ounce of it into her body.
Just as Samantha was sure she was about to lose her mind, Anna broke the kiss.
“Permission granted,” she whispered against Samantha’s lips.
They were quite possibly the most beautiful words Samantha had ever heard. Her body jerked. Samantha’s lips parted, but no sound emerged as she bucked against Anna’s hand.
No doubt there was still a club on the other side of the curtain and still a world outside the club, but everything ceased to exist for Samantha. Pure ecstasy pounded through her body like violent tremors through the earth’s crust. Everything in its way crumbled to dust, the landscape left in its wake never to be the same again.
Reality only began to return when Anna shifted positions and wrapped her arms more snugly around Samantha’s body.
Samantha blinked open her eyes to find Anna studying her carefully. Their gazes met, and Samantha found it impossible to look away. She was trapped, and she loved it.
“From this moment, until you ask for permission to be released from my possession. You belong to me,” Anna whispered to her. “Do you understand?”
Samantha swallowed rapidly, but when she spoke, her words were still hoarse and uncertain “And if I never ask?” she said
“Then I’ll just have to keep you forever,” Anna said. “Won’t I?” Her lips twisted into a smile at the idea.
Lightheaded with relief, Samantha was helpless to do anything other than follow her new dominant’s lead and smile back at her. Her first impressions had obviously been mistaken. The club wasn’t such a bad place to be a female submissive after all.
About the Author
Kim Dare is a twenty-eight year old, full time writer from Wales (UK).
First published in December 2008, Kim has since released over fifty BDSM erotic romances. That means that well over one hundred characters have chattered away inside her head during that time—and that’s not even taking into account the fact that there are over three times that number of people clamoring in the wings for a chance to tell their stories. It’s no wonder she loses track of what’s happening in the “real” world at times…
While Kim’s stories range over male/male, male/female and all kinds of ménage relationships and have included vampires, time travelers, shape-shifters and fairytale re-tellings, they all have three things in common—kink, love and a happy ending.
Author loves to talk to her readers and can be found at
Also Available from
Resplendence Publishing
With a Kiss by Kim Dare
When Liam Bates volunteered to visit lonely patients at his local hospital, he expected them to be able to talk back when he chatted to them. But, when he’s assigned to visit a comatose man, he soon finds himself spilling out his whole life story in an effort to fill the silence. It’s not long before the peace and comfort he finds in the man’s hospital room becomes Liam’s refuge from an increasingly hostile world.
Vampire Marcus Corrigan has been trapped inside his paralyzed body for over three years, unable to communicate with anyone. The chatty young man who visits Marcus quickly captivates him, and Liam’s softly spoken words soon have him determined to rescue the boy from his current life, but, unable to move a muscle, all Marcus can actually do is lay there and listen.
There’s only one thing that can wake up Marcus. There’s only one thing that can save Liam’s sanity. Everything is about to change for them both, and it will change with a kiss.
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Ree has been Leila’s best friend since her first day of work at the nonprofit research organization five years ago. They bonded immediately with a common interest in science and technology, as well as shared addictions to chocolate and Thai food. Being in the minority in a male-dominated field has made their friendship even more precious to Leila.
She can’t risk losing her best friend by exploring her new desire for Ree, but as desperate feelings of something wonderful slipping out of her reach flood through her, she wonders how she could ever let go.